Five Myths About Team Building: Keep Your Cool During Team Building Activities on Your Corporate Retreat

family dinner at blue osa

Team building and corporate retreats, in general, have developed a well-deserved reputation for cheesy kumbaya campfires and drunken bonding that simply doesn’t translate when everyone is back in their suit and ties. But it doesn’t have to be that way! A new generation of corporate retreats is on the rise encompassing exotic locations (Costa Rica!),…

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6 Ways Solo Travel Makes You More Successful in Business

Unless you’re talking about business travel, a form of “seeing the world” that sounds glamorous but often involves seeing the inside of conference rooms and your hotel room while you try, jet-lagged, to catch up on work, travel and business seem diametrically opposed. You work, then you vacation, then you work some more, so you…

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Why A Corporate Retreat Will Revolutionize Your Business

corporate retreat blue osa

One of the most important assets of your company is the employees. It is important that you acknowledge them. Employees are the core and the soul of a company. Their souls should be well taken care of. Providing a pleasant, stress-free, and safe working environment is essential for successful and smooth operations. But, there is…

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